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Starry Night 

Through her bedroom window she studies the clouds illuminated by the full moon and enjoys the puffs of subdued white, yellowish-lavender, and pink pillows floating across the sky. An occasional star peaks through the mist as clouds are ushered along by the wind. Lying there, she feels a little like Vincent may have felt when he took brush to canvas and created his rendition of what he observed in the heavens on that starry night in southern France.  Like Vincent, she has a grand appreciation of the color spectrum.

Not only was it Vincent's imagination that created the painting so many generations have adored and continue to adore.  His imagination was clearly aided by the moon playing with the clouds and by the stars playing their game of peek-a-boo.  Those heavenly activities imprinted on Vincent's brain an interpretation of what he observed taking place in the heavens on that starry night.   Vincent clearly enjoyed a wonderful, starry night.

It is three o'clock in the morning and the clouds are getting brighter as the moon moves toward the west. What this little one observes through her bedroom window is a light-show powerful enough to let Timothy Leary set aside his mind-altering experiments and 
savor what the heavens deliver overhead.

Gripping a camera, Sarah attempts to transfer what she is
observing onto film, just as Vincent captured onto canvas,
with oils, what he observed in the heavens on that starry 
night.  Her photo image will not be as vibrant as Vincent's,
painting but as Vincent worked his oils, she edits her 
image, capture onto film, in the darkroom, so she may 
share with others what her mind's eye savored that night.

Arrest your concern, unlike Vincent, she will not cut off her 
ear; at least not on this wonderful morning.  

There are more photos to be taken tonight. 
