Photography provides a palate that surprises us when we least expect and turns some images, once photographed and frozen in time, into art.
Black & White photography is an art form in the truest sense as it delivers the results of the creative process utilized to get the numerous shades of gray between black and white corrected or modified with the objective of delivering a cerebral impact on those viewing the photograph.
Enjoy the art on this page. I do not use Photoshop to modify or enhance my photos. What you see are images captured with my Nikon cameras with minimal contrast and color correction.
I will also add photographs from other artists that are creative and thought provoking.
Copyright©2011-2025 by Raymond Cannefax - All rights reserved.
Crack Open Your Shell of Creativity
River & Stone. Colorado River near Moab, UT
Urban Blight - Photo by © 2022 Ginny Mageras
Landsberg/Lech Waterfall - Bavaria, Germany
Helper Art Festival August 2022.
Evening Colors - North Shore, Oahu
Hold the Mustard, Santa Cruz Boardwalk
Vincent by Ginny Mageras ©2017 Ginny Mageras
Tree of Light with Moon - Holladay, UT
Sego Canyon Pictographs near Green River, Utah
Desert Fill Up, Highway 191 near Price, UT
What goes up must... - Santa Cruz Boardwalk
Stairs - University of Utah
Harley-Davidson FXR Tank by Vincent
#8 - Santa Cruz Boardwalk
Photographer Ginny Mageras
Summer Storm - Oquirh Mountains
#25 HP Bugeye Sprite Race Car at Park West Hill Climb
Bonzai Pipeline, North Shore, Oahu, HI
Flowers & Ginny at Albion Basin, Alta, Utah
Windmill near Hovenweep National Monument. Best of Show, B&W, UDNR Photo Contest, Dec. 2022.
Chicken Ranch, West-central Utah, near Goshen, UT
The Great Panel pictograph in the depths of Horseshoe Canyon. Estimated to be more than 2,000 years old.
Art in the form of a Petroglyph in Sego Canyon region. There is a message! A King and Queen and a chart at the left - astronomical or geographic direction?
Helper, UT. August 2022. - © 2022 Ginny Mageras
Moab Balloon Festival - January 2022
Monument Valley Monuments
Navajo Nation Watering Hole
Wild Mustangs on Navajo Nation
Albion Basin, Alta, UT June 12, 2017
What is presently called Graffiti is also referred to as Pictographs found in the great canyon wall paintings by the Anasazi, Navajo, Hopi and other tribes.
Topaz Japanese Internment Camp 1943, Delta, UT
Goshen, UT Tintic Reduction Mill
Goshen, UT. Tintic Reduction Mill shut down in 1928, has become a canvas for Graffiti artists.
Landsberg am Lech, Bavaria, Germany. My hope town where I was raised until the age of 10. Landsberg was founded in the 11th Century. I have yet to find any community as beautiful as Landsberg